Painting Pavement: STL Photo of the Week

Posted on August 30, 2019 in

You pack your bags. You check-in. You get to your gate. Soon, you’re off to the friendly skies. Everyday behind the scenes, employees at St. Louis Lambert International Airport are working to keep our airfield safe to depart and land on so you can enjoy your flights. That includes making sure the airfield is properly marked with Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) regulated markings and signage. STL routinely inspects and freshens up airfield markings, especially during the peak travel season when our runways see more arrivals and departures that can cause markings to deteriorate more quickly. Crews at STL aren’t just responsible for runway markings, they also paint markings on the ramp and taxiways. On average, crews at STL are painting on the airfield every day, when the weather cooperates, using up to hundreds of gallons of paint per month - all to keep you safe on your way up to, or down from the skies.