Title VI Training

Please complete the form below fully to assure we have your First and Last Name on the 1st line and the company name you work for on the 2nd line.  Choose the date and time below that best fits your schedule. Training locations are noted with the date/time chosen.  

For questions, concerns, or to cancel a class registration please contact Sandra Dressel at srdressel@flystl.com or 314-426-8094.

Please include your email address. If you prefer an alternate form of communication in case of class cancellation or other emergencies, please list below. Select your preferred: (Select all that apply) Please include your phone number if selecting an alternate form of communication.

Trainings must be taken the month before or month of your expiration and cannot be more than 60 days before your badge expiration date.  For example-  if the date of expiration on your badge says 05/31/2025, you are able to sign up for classes between April 1, 2025 and May 31, 2025. 

By clicking below you agree that you have completed the form above and understand the following:

*A confirmation of your Title VI training registration will be emailed to the address listed above within 2 business days.

*Come to training prepared with a blue/black pen and allow for 45 minutes from the start time listed.

* All badging paperwork must be completed and signed by the proper authority prior to scheduling an appointment with the badging office and must be accompanied by a Passed Title VI exam.  Therefore, all employee(s) must complete the Title VI class BEFORE going to the badging office to obtain a new badge as well as for those who are renewing a current badge.  Remember to take 2 forms of ID with you when you go with your paperwork to the badging office. 

* The badging office will not process nor hold any paperwork until all is completed in full, including your Title VI Exam 

*Employee(s) who are renewing their Airport I.D. Badge, who do not complete the Title VI class within the time frames above will be re-starting the entire badging process as a new badge instead of renewal.

* Employee(s) have the option to schedule a badging appointment on the chosen date above for a time AFTER the class has concluded if one is available AND all paperwork is in hand. Otherwise, the appointment should be scheduled for a date/time after class but before expiration day.

Thank you. You have request has been submitted.